Impact Report 2023—2024

Impact Measure 6 – Analysis

Residents maintain a high level of satisfaction in properties owned or managed by Launch Housing


  • We manage our properties with care and respect for our clients and renters and resident feedback is important to us
  • 78% of First Nations renters were highly satisfied with Launch Housing services
  • 74% of renters overall were highly satisfied with Launch Housing services.


This year, renter satisfaction increased

We undertake an annual resident satisfaction survey of our renters in transitional and long-term properties. The survey covers the four key performance measures (KPMs) on renter satisfaction, mandated by the Victorian Housing Registrar, as well as additional questions that are aligned to Launch Housing’s Theory of Change and impact measurement work.

In total, surveys were sent out to 792 renters, and we received 231 responses; a 29% response rate.

This year, we saw an increase of 2% in renter satisfaction in properties owned or managed by Launch Housing compared to last year.

Overall, 74% of renters expressed being satisfied with the services provided by Launch Housing. There was a particularly high rate of people who were very satisfied (50%).

First Nations renters were generally more satisfied than non-First Nations renters — a reflection of the enormous effort we’ve put towards culturally safe practices at Launch Housing.

“Extremely satisfied regarding property management. The property manager is brilliant both at managing the property and comfortable to deal with making me feel at ease.”

– Renter

Renters were also asked what the key impacts of having a home was for them. Eighty-four percent of renters agreed that having a home meant they can plan for their future. Sixty-four percent felt that their home enabled them to look after their mental health and 68% felt their home enabled them to look after their physical health.

“Having housing stability has done so much for my mental and physical health. Thank you”

– Renter

Looking ahead

Over the next year, we will be putting in place several platforms and initiatives to improve and elevate renter voice. This includes regular check-ins with new and existing tenants to build and maintain rapport, a tenant portal as part of a revamped Customer Relationship Management system and a renter newsletter as a way to share information and updates with our renters.

Over the past year, we also reviewed and improved our complaints and feedback process to support renters to provide ad hoc and ongoing feedback to us on what’s working well and any suggestions for change. We will continue to monitor, analyse and respond to the feedback to ensure continuous improvement.

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